While Managing Director at Leeser Architecture, I had the pleasure of working for Thomas Leeser on the TRI-CLIMATIC BIOSPHERE, ABU DHABI, UAE.

LEESER Architecture performed for the Royal Family of the United Arab Emirates full design services including Programming, Concept Design, Schematic Design, Design Development, Bidding and Negotiating, Construction Documentation and Construction Administration for this 10,000 m2 (110,000 ft2) Biosphere, consisting of three separate biomes, a Mediterranean, Tropical, and Vernalized. A continuous ramp circling each biome and a central atrium leading to the roof terrace allows for visitors to experience all climates in a single path.

The Tri-Climatic Biosphere is sited on the Royal Palace Grounds in Abu Dhabi, challenging the difficult task of housing and maintaining three radically different thermal environments in the extreme desert climate of the UAE . The internal climates are contained within an ETFE membrane. The use of the polymer Ethylene Tetra Flouro Ethylene (ETFE) across the enclosure and interior of the building has allowed to achieve maximum efficiency and minimum cost, while gaining flexibility in form and transparency